N/Me Blood Spiker
Blood - 12 or more
Soul Reaping - all leftover points
1)Life Siphon
2)Shadow Strike
3)Barbed Signet
4)Dark Pact
5)Vampiric Gaze
6)Well of Blood
7)Strip Enchantment
8)Resurrection Signet
R/E Degen - This build will kill faster then an interupt build and you need quicker kills when you get to the dock.
Marksmanship - 9
Expertise - 9
Wilderness Survival - 9
Beast Mastery - all leftover points
1)Apply Posion
2)Penetrating Shot
3)Savage Shot
4)Troll Unguent
5)Resurrection Signet
6)Feral Lunge
7)Comfort Animal
8)Charm Animal
General Strategy - using henchies
When you get to the dock don't stay actually on the dock. Position your party on the beach infront of the dock. The foes will first start from the right (in relation to mini-map), kill quickly and move. The casters use searing heat, so they should be your first target since henchies are too stupid to move out the AoE. At first the groups will hit one at time with only 3 foes. But they quickly grow in size and attack from both sides. You are the only one that needs to make it onto the boat. So at all costs keep yourself and Vizer alive until he is done with his ultra slow spell.
I actually used an MM build for this mission. You can kill groups faster and they do a good job as blockers. But with Mes as your secondary you will only have Blood of the Master as you only heal for your minions, which becomes a burden on your health.
Henchmen selection - as a general rule I don't select the henchmen with the same profession as my character, i.e. using my Ranger I would add either the enchanter or cultist.
Warrior x2